Park Avenue Armory invites parents and children to participate in interactive art-making workshops in our historic rooms. Drawing upon the Armory’s castle-like setting and unique programmatic offerings, these programs are offered monthly during the school year and designed to spark the imagination of children of all ages. Tickets must be purchased in advance for all children and adults that are attending.
If Portraits Could Talk
September 27, 10am to 12pm
Suggested Ages: 6-12
The Armory’s fine and decorative art collections are comprised of individual treasures that preserve and reflect the fabled history of the Seventh Regiment and chronicle American history. Portraits of noted Regiment members are displayed throughout the building and document our storied past. In a nod to the beginning of the school year and “picture day,” this workshop enables participants to combine storytelling and visual art to create a dialogue between a historical Armory portrait and their own creative portrait.
Trusty Sidekick Theater Company:
The 7 ½ Mysteries of Toulouse McLane
October 13 @ 2pm, October 18 @ 2pm & 7pm and October 19 @ 2pm & 7pm
For Children
Trusty Sidekick Theater Company will bring back their immersive, site-specific commission, The 7 ½ Mysteries of Toulouse McLane, a remarkable play for young people that blurs the lines between visual and performing arts and challenges conventional notions of what it means to be an audience member. Dealing with very complex issues of death and loss, this poignant piece was inspiring for every youngster who experienced it last year, and the Armory is thrilled to be presenting the return engagement. As one student said, “I felt like I was fainting into a story!”
Trusty Sidekick Theater Company:
The Haunting of Ichabod Crane
October 25 at 2pm & 7pm and October 26 at 2pm & 7pm
For Children
In time for Halloween, Trusty Sidekick will also present another of its immersive works, The Haunting of Ichabod Crane, which will uncover the truth in this immersive retelling of a haunting American legend. Families will bravely embark on an eerie journey from the hallowed revolutionary war battlegrounds of Brooklyn to the bewitching glen of Sleepy Hollow – all within the Armory’s historic company rooms.
The Armory Games:
Competition and the Companies of the 7th Regiment
November 22nd, 10am to 12pm
Suggested Ages: Children ages 6-12
When called to duty, Park Avenue Armory’s Seventh Regiment used to escort dignitaries, protect Presidents, and quell riots. Off duty, the members of the 7th Regiment were men of leisure, enjoying nothing more than a little playful competition. (A Tent Raising Race anyone?) Join us for the 3rd Annual Armory Games as we dust off the old trophies from the Armory’s Collection, create our own, and vie for a bit of glory.
Family Day:
tears become… streams become…
December 13th, 10am to 12pm
Suggested Ages: Children ages 6-12
Engage with Turner Prize-winning artist Douglas Gordon’s and acclaimed pianist Hélène Grimaud’s exploration of the beauty of water, a primal force of nature that can change like the tides and has long been a muse for artists throughout history in a wide array of art forms. Participants will experience the installation and create their own water themed artwork. More information will become available soon. NOTE: Participation in this workshop does not include entry to a Grimaud performance.
Photos from top: Kirsten Reoch, Kyle Cassidy, Nancy Krakaur, Da Ping Luo, ML. Doomits.